12/19/2021 Worship Service and Sermon: Dayspring From on High - Luke 1:76-79

12/19/2021 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA. Worship leader: Mike and Kelly Culbert Speaker: Tyler Estes Title: Dayspring From on High Scripture: Luke 1:76-79 I. Introduction: The winter solstice helps us to enter into Zechariah’s prophecy. II. To whom is the light given? A. To those who sit in darkness (v. 79). 1. Darkness of delusion. 2. Darkness of depravity. 3. Darkness of despondency. B. To those who sit in the shadow of death (v. 79). III. What is this light that is given? A. Not just light generally but a sunrise (v. 78). B. Jesus shines as light to us: 1. By revealing. 2. By reviving. 3. By directing. IV. For what reason is this light given? A. Because of his tender mercy (v. 78). B. Because he is faithful to keep his promises. V. For what purpose is this light given? A. That we might serve God (v. 74). 1. “Without fear.” 2. “In holiness and righteousness.” 3. “Before him.” 4. “All our days.” B. To guide our feet into the way of peace (v. 79). VI. Application A. Gratitude: We have clearer and brighter knowledge of this sunrise than the Old Testament saints did. B. Focus on God’s promises. C. Imitate God by showing tender mercy to others. D. The light of the gospel is all-encompassing: Live all of life in fullness of life and fullness of joy. E. Are you still sitting in the darkness of your sin? Repent, believe in Christ, and be saved. To connect with Brick Lane, visit our website at: https://www.brick52.org/ For more biblical teaching, you can also listen to audio sermons at: https://www.brick52.org/audio-sermons #bricklanecommunitychurch #elverson #pennsylvania #worship #sermon


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