12/11/2022 Worship Service, Sermon, and 45 Years Celebration

12/11/2022 Worship Service, Sermon and 45 Years Celebration Join us for worship! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy9pv4OPY8I 12/11/2022 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA + 45 year Celebration. Scripture: 1 Samuel 7:2-13 Title: Remembering God's Kindnesses: Samuel Raises Ebenezer Worship Leader: Tyler Estes Speaker: Steve Estes Notes: 1.The Background A. Israelites sin, are routed by the Philistines B. Ark of the Covenant taken to Philistia, God makes Philistines' lives miserable C. Philistines send Ark back to Israel, Israelites rejoice 2. The Story A. Israelites' Idolatry B. Divine Discipline C. Real Repentance D. Samuel Sacrifices E. Philistines Flee F. Ebenezer Erected 3. The Ebenezer Stone A. What is Ebenezer? B. What does Ebenezer mean? 4. The Lessons A. God's people experience his help only when they have a mediator B. God is honored by special occasions of remembering his kindness C. God will continue to remember with us only as we continue to remember him #Samuel #Ebenezer #rememberance #bricklanecommunitychurch #elverson #pennsylvania #worship #sermon #45years


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