2/18/24 Worship Service & Sermon: True Spirituality and Spiritual Fruit - Mark 11:11-25

Join us for worship! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyITdlppOZg 2/18/2024 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA. Worship Leader: Matt Lambert Speaker: David Royes Scripture: Mark 11:11-25 Title: True Spirituality and Spiritual Fruit Notes: 1. A Parable of empty religion A. A lens for what Jesus is about to do B. How false religion works 2. An explanation of authentic spirituality A. Genuine belief in God's power B. Dependence on God in prayer C. The forgiveness of your Father in Heaven 3. Hope for true change A. Christ was sacrificed for our sins #Mark #spiritualfruit #bricklanecommunitychurch #bricklanechurch #elverson #pennsylvania #worship #sermon


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